International Applications and Admissions in 2020

Vues - 395

— Let’s start with the question that concerns most international students and their parents. How will the current COVID-19 pandemic affect the next academic year and the ongoing admissions process?

Of course, we are fully aware that many of our prospective students and, obviously, their parents are concerned about the general uncertainty associated with the pandemic. There are multiple questions about how studies will be organized and how safe it is to travel internationally. I would like to reassure everyone and confirm the fact that the safety of our students and the quality of education are our absolute priorities!

The academic year at the universities of Ukraine will begin in a planned manner – in September (for 1 course from 01.09, for senior courses – from 20.09). At the same time, we need to keep in mind that, depending on the COVID-19 dynamic, studies will take place either in person, or remotely, or in a mixed form.

What’s more, we have simplified the procedure for submitting documents and taking entrance examinations for foreign applicants. Indeed documents can be submitted through online forms and interview can be done remotely. Moreover, we decided to extend the deadline for accepting documents. While previously the intake process ended in October, this year we will be accepting documents until December 15.

The University leadership is taking all the necessary measures so that, regardless of the circumstances, foreign students can study in conditions that are both comfortable and safe and at the same time receive the high-quality education.

— What will happen if international students enrol in programs, but are not able to physically come due to the preservation of restrictive measures in their countries and Ukraine or if the epidemiological situation worsens in the fall of 2020?

The University is ready for remote full-time studies in the fall of 2020. Therefore, it was decided that regardless of where the student is physically located – in Ukrainу or at home, all courses will be available to her/him in full, as well as additional hours of consultations with with his teacher. University have all the technical capabilities for this.

If a foreign student is enrolled in a program, but for security reasons prefers to stay in her/his country for some time and study remotely, this option is allowed by the University.

If the foreign student is in Kharkov, on hostel, then subject to all the necessary sanitary measures and the rules of social distance, we will be able to organize training in a mixed format – bringing together in the same classroom those who are in Kharkov and those students who can only connect to classes remotely.

— What is the quality of distance learning at Ukrainian universities and is it worth enrolling in a program this year?

The Spring of 2020 has been a useful and instructive experience for most universities. Ukrainian universities completely switched to distance learning and is now conducting more than two thousand classes daily.

TOP-Universities have been working closely with our partner universities from Europe, North America and Asia, with which we have developed joint programs. We constantly share best practices and develop technical and methodological solutions to increase the effectiveness of e-learning.

Distance learning has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • distance learning reduces the time spent commuting;
  • means that lessons can be followed from anywhere in the globe.

Currently Ukrainian specialists are working to improve the design, methods of online training and software for conducting distance learning. So you can be sure that at Ukrainian universities you will receive a quality education, regardless of the way it is delivered.

We also all understand that the current epidemiological threat will disappear sooner or later. This is a temporary situation. At the same time, we are sure that neither parents nor applicants want to pass up the opportunity to enter one of the best universities in Ukraine and the world.


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