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Today we will tell you a little bit about Simon Kuznets National University of Economics, the most prestigious economic university in Ukraine!

Today KHNUE is the most authoritative higher educational institution of Ukraine in the field of economics. With many years of experience in implementing a system of independent assessment of students’ knowledge, in 2005 KHNUE became the first university in the country where the Republican Center of Test Technologies conducted an independent testing of applicants.
One of the most popular preparatory courses in Kharkiv is held at Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics.

Нет описания фото.

In the context of cooperation with Cambridge University, the Business English Certificates (BEC) exams have been held at KHNUE since 2010. Now 198 teachers have passed the exams and received BEC certificates. KHNUE has been awarded the status of an independent training centre for Cambridge University exam candidates.

Возможно, это изображение (6 человек и люди стоят)

The development of students is facilitated by the large information base of the library. Considering the high rate of development of information processes in the world an automated library system based on modern technologies and standards of information processing and storage is created in KHNUE. All the new acquisitions are entered into the electronic catalogue. The system ensures the automation of all processes of the University Library. There are computers installed in the reading rooms, where readers use the library resources and work on the Internet, which greatly speeds up the process of students’ homework and provides an enjoyable learning experience.

Харьковский национальный экономический университет (ХНЭУ)

In recent years the University has become an internationally known centre of science and education aimed at training competent specialists for Ukraine and 40 more countries around the world. The quality of training at the university is confirmed by the fact that in the last five years alone more than 300 graduates have received not only Master’s but also double-degree diplomas from French and Austrian universities.

The University has joint Master’s programmes « Double Diploma »: with Lyon-2 Lumiere University (France) operates a Master’s programme « Business Informatics » and a Master’s programme in « Tourism, Cultural Heritage, Leisure-time activities » with the Higher School of Labour Protection Management in Katowice (Poland) a Polish-Ukrainian Master’s programme in « Business Administration ».


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