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Residents of Ukraine often choose to vacation abroad, but in our country there are also amazing places that are definitely worth seeing. In every region there are unique locations, created by nature, or extraordinary architectural constructions. Today Business Center « INGEK »will tell you about castles, islands, open-air museums, and many other most beautiful places of Ukraine. We strongly recommend traveling around our country during your studies in Ukraine, be sure you will gain a lot of impressions and pictures for your social networks ☺

Tunnel of Love in Klevan

In the village Klevan, Rivne region there is an unusual place of interest – the Tunnel of Love❤. This is an unusual alley, on both sides of which are trees intertwined with each other from above. The place looks really fabulous, it is beautiful at any time of the year. People from all over Ukraine come here to admire the tunnel and take pictures. The Tunnel of Love in Klevan is beautiful at any time of the year. In autumn go before the leaves fall, in winter go with the first snow, and in the second half of May the alley is all green!

Тоннель Любви в разное время годаМолодая пара

Kamyanets-Podolsky Castle

One of the few fortresses with a rich history, which with certainty is on the list of must-see!
Some historians argue that the structure existed in the times of Kievan Rus. Perhaps there really was some building on this spot, but the stone fortress appeared much later – in the XIV century🧐. It was erected by order of the representatives of the Lithuanian princely family Koriatowiczes. The fortress was at the entrance to the city, so it was a strategic defensive point. During its existence the fortress survived several assaults and changes of government. In the XV century it was conquered by the Poles, who replaced the wooden walls with stone ones. In the XVII century the Turks occupied the castle, then it was recaptured by the Poles, but after the split of the Rzeczpospolita the construction was passed to the Russian Empire. The castle with its towers and other important buildings has been perfectly preserved. Every year, thousands of tourists from Europe (except during the pandemonium) and Ukraine come to Kamyanets-Podilskyi to see the grandiose fortress with their own eyes.

Каменец-Подольская крепость

Dzharylgach Island

Dzharylgach Island is located near Skadovsk and is often called the « Ukrainian Maldives »🏝. There are indeed similarities, but this only applies to the clean beach and azure water. There are no hotels, supermarkets and restaurants, so people come here not for a comfortable five-star hotel, but for the impressions.

What you can do on the island:

  • 🐬 Watch the dolphins (early in the morning they come closer to the shore)
  • ⛱ sunbathe, swim in crystal clear water
  • 🧘meditate, take a break from civilization
  • 🐗 watch the wild animals that live on the island
  • 🦐 catch crayfish, shrimp, crabs
  • 🐚 collect beautiful shells.
  • 🦢find the lagoon with swans and the lake that is deep in the island
Остров Джарылгач

Oleshkovsky sands

Oleshkovski sands are located in the Kherson region. This is the largest sand massif in Ukraine, which is more than 150 km long. It is interesting that these beautiful places of Ukraine, about which few people know, have been closed for a long time❌. During the Soviet era, part of the territory was closed due to the placement of a military training ground for pilots on it. After independence, the exercises ceased, and the area with the range (about 15 km in diameter) was demined.  In 2010 the natural national park « Oleshkivske sands » was created. A few years later, tourist companies began to organize tours to the desert. Take an unusual photo shoot, organize a picnic, walk along ecological trails and ride an ATV!

Олешковские пески

Aktovsky Canyon

If you are looking for little-known places in Ukraine, which are not inferior in their beauty to the foreign wonders of nature, it is worth a trip to Aktova Canyon. It is located in the Mykolayiv region, near the village of Aktovo. The deep river valley with rocks and granite blocks was formed here billions of years ago by the break of a large granite shield. The canyon also has a second name – Devil’s Valley👿. There really is something mystical about it, legends confirm it. One of the legends explains the origin of the name of the river Mertvod, flowing along the rocky shores of the canyon. They say that there used to be a Scythian settlement not far from this place. They used to send their kings downstream to their last journey, so the water in the river was considered dead.

Актовский каньон, Николаевская область


It is impossible to imagine the sights of Ukraine without Sviatogorsk in Donetsk region. It is a small town near Slavyansk whose main attraction is Sviatogorsk Lavra. The orthodox monastery impresses with its scale, well-groomed and beautiful💒. The Lavra consists of the Cathedral of the Assumption of the Holy Mary, churches, chapels, three cave temples and other buildings. The buildings themselves are on the top of the chalk mountain, and there are excavated cells and passages for several kilometers in the mountain.
Sviatogorsk has an amazing nature: there is a pine forest with houses for tourists, small ponds surrounded by greenery (photos near such reservoirs turn out fabulous), the river Seversky Donets. If you want to see this beauty from the high ground, you should go up to the monument to Artem. It’s a long walk from Sviatogorsk Lavra to the monument, but it’s worth it to look at the city from above.
Святогорская лавра

Synevyr Lake

Lake Synevyr is one of the most beautiful places in the Carpathians🌄. You can get there from nearby villages: Synevyrska Glade, Zalesje, Podmanovo, Shatsk. Not everyone dares to swim at the lake, because the water temperature does not rise above 11 degrees.

Озеро Синевир

What to do on the lake:

  • Picnic
  • Go rafting, sail to the center of the reservoir
  • Go rafting on the Tereblya river closest to the lake
  • Make a photo session in a unique landscape, combining mountains, forest, and water
  • Hike the trails to see the diversity of local flora and fauna

There is a legend about the origin of the lake’s name. The mountains once belonged to a rich man who had a beautiful daughter, Xin. She fell in love with a simple guy named Vyr, but the girl’s father was against the relationship. He ordered that Vyr be killed by dropping a huge rock on the young man from a cliff. When Shin found out about this, she hugged the rock and began to cry. Her tears formed a lake.

All these places are just a small part of the secrets that Ukraine holds😎! Stay tuned to our news where we will continue to introduce you to the sights of our country!


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