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Business Center « INGEK » congratulates all students on World Science Day!
The holiday is celebrated annually on November 10 to raise awareness of the benefits of science around the world, and to serve as a reminder of the need to use scientific and technological advances for peace and development for the benefit of human civilization.

Although it is not a holiday, every country celebrates World Science Day. It was recommended in 1999 by the World Conference on Science in Budapest, which called for a closer interaction between science and society.

Following the 1999 conference agenda, UNESCO formally established World Science Day, proclaiming it at a general conference in 2001. Globally, the Day was first celebrated on November 10, 2002, and has since been widely celebrated around the world.

Throughout the unprecedented crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic, UNESCO, as the UN agency with a mandate in science, has sought to strengthen international cooperation in science. UNESCO’s response to COVID-19 focuses on three main areas: promoting international scientific cooperation, ensuring access to water and supporting measures to protect the environment.

Popularization of science is essential to engage citizens in society. In this regard, science centers and museums are not just sources of information about scientific achievements. They are places where people are given the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of the world around them. Visiting a museum or science center enriches our knowledge and develops our creative thinking. Guided tours in science centers and museums are a great addition to educational programs, develop young people’s interest in science, and help get rid of misconceptions and myths about scientific progress.

World Science Day 2021 is marked by the presentation of diplomas, awards for outstanding achievements, the awarding of honorary titles. The media broadcasts programs that popularize knowledge, telling about breakthroughs and new challenges to humanity. Interviews are conducted in which the protagonists share their memories and the progress of their research.

Conferences and seminars are held in educational institutions. Young scientists and distinguished figures are invited to participate. Public and private foundations provide grants and funding for research work. The holiday has gained wide popularity among postgraduate students.

We wish you to keep developing and let valuable scientific discoveries lie ahead! Thanks to the persistence of students, science does not stand still and life improves. We wish you good health, scientific inspiration, desire to show your abilities and never stop!


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